SBA Design Studios was conceived many years back with the core objective to have an impact on the lives of many. In this blog post, we will delve into some of the seeds that grew into not only a passion but a vision for what the world around us could be. The idea that most of what we see is created by design and from this enlightenment I understood the power of design and creating. This also meant that we could design the space that surrounds us both literally and figuratively and use the ideas seen by our childlike selves to develop an environment for this positivity to flourish.
Every company has its own unique humble beginnings, and this is just the start of me telling my story. There are many layers to peel back but here is a glimpse, should I say! SBA Design Studios has an agenda to create better spaces that can be accessible to all and honing of the tools we already have at our disposal to make a start. We want to help people not only see the potential in their spaces whether it’s a house, office, school, or other public facilities but also to see the same potential in themselves. Using this process to help them discover more about what makes them special. Behind the stunning structures and exquisite spaces that we admire, there lies a journey of creativity, experience, meticulous planning but most importantly a story or at least someone’s story.
Experiencing and understanding my story and how it has shaped my path in getting to this point is the first story that I had to learn in order to walk in this space. This meant going into the depth of what this entails from the wonderful cherished warm experiences to those that didn’t bring as much joy but came with a wealth of learning and gaining of wisdom. It is with this that I was able to harness and refine a distinct vision and a deep understanding of the industry and what we hope to see more of in our spaces. Using this as an opportunity to bring our creative ideas to life. Our use the word C.R.E.A.T.I.NG is defined as Creative Reasons Engaged in Accord Towards Impactful New Ground. This is what we strive to achieve. We truly want our clients to feel seen through our work and, completing a project with the confidence that their voices were heard and the values that were most important to them placed at the forefront of our collaboration. We believe that from doing work such as this, we not only are able to connect in a genuine way but help each and every one of our clients feel that bit better about themselves and their surroundings. There are many occurrences in the world that inflict chaos both in the internal and external world and we hope that with the work we do that we can achieve a sense of balance and clarity.
A space has the power to transform lives and we strive to create an atmosphere where your unique individuality can thrive whilst bringing the vision to life. I invite you to embark on this extraordinary design adventure with us. Together, with your help, we will be able to create spaces that tell a story and leave a lasting impression on both of us and everyone who experiences it!
As a company, we have been redefining our values, reputation and seeking better ways to make our message clear as we strive to appeal to our target market of people who connect and align with our hopes. The journey is only the beginning and we endeavor to represent what it looks like to create, experiment, innovate and pursue a design that not only shows value, commitment, and investment but one that demonstrates excellence at its best!
The journey so far is a testament to the power of holding onto dreams at all costs using the power of creativity, unity, and devotion to drive the dream forward. Thank you for you time.
Yours Truly,
Sarah Babs-Apata
Founder | SBA Design Studios